"Binecuvanteaza, clipa, pe robu-acestei drepte
Imaginata-n spatiu din punct intr-un alt punct,
Ca ma pandeste-o umbra pornita sa m-astepte
In conul unui sentiment adjunct.
Si iar ma-ntorc in punctul din care am pornit,
Trec in balans tinandu-mi calcaiul inainte,
Cu ochi-nchisi vad peste infinit
Un cimitir de-albastre oseminte.
Azi leg aceasta dreapta de o stea,
Ma scutur de parerea de-a fi un astru fix,
Ca-n ochii mei chiar cerul presimtea
Un fluviu vertical pandind la Sfinx."
Un comentariu:
I'm surfing the "next blog" links, and I come across yours. I look, and think, "very nice artwork", and I admit, I also think, "that girl is really gorgeous".
I hit the next blog, and the blog after that ... and it brings me back here AGAIN. What are the chances?
So, I leave you a comment. :)
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